Project: TimeBook


TimeBook is a scheduling application that helps busy NUS undergraduates keep track of their own and their friends' schedules to find the common free time among the user and their friends and a convenient place to meet. The user interacts with TimeBook through a Command Line Interface (CLI), and its Graphical User Interface (GUI) is created with JavaFX as seen below.


TimeBook was built by a team of five NUS Computer Science undergraduates over the course of eleven weeks, as part of the CS2103T module. It is written in Java, and has about 25 kLoC. This project portfolio document details my contributions to the project.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: added fuzzy matching for commands auto-completion and context-sensitive suggestions for command parameters

    • What it does
      Provides real-time context-sensitive suggestions for commands and parameter values. Users can use the same keyboard keys to select and autocomplete the commands and parameters.

      In terms of commands, this feature dynamically filters all the valid commands based on the user’s input. As seen in the below figure, the user has typed d and only the relevant commands are suggested. Additionally, users can create their own abbreviations when typing in commands. Instead of typing deletefromgroup, they can type any of its letters as long as the sequence is maintained. For example, the abbreviations dfg, delfromgroup, dfgr, dmg will also suggest the deletefromgroup command.

      project portfolio commands
      Figure 1. Command suggestions with fuzzy matching

      In terms of context-sensitive parameter values, imagine the user wants to remove someone from their CS2103 group using the command deletefromgroup. With the group specified (i.e. g/CS2103), this feature only suggests the names of the people within the group when the user is specifying a name to delete (using n/). The feature works in real-time as the user begins typing "Charlie" and the suggestions are filtered to exclude "Bobby" and "Denise".

      project portfolio deletefromgroup
      Figure 2. Example of context-sensitive suggestion for the name parameter (n/) in the deletefromgroup command
    • Justification
      This feature significantly improves the product’s user experience, especially for novices, as users can discover what commands are available while using the app instead of continuously reference the user guide. For advanced/longtime TimeBook users, personalized command abbreviations lets them use TimeBook to solve scheduling problems faster instead of being slowed down by command entry. The parameter value suggestions let all users quickly see, select then autocomplete what they intended to type with just one additional keypress.

    • Highlights
      This enhancement affects existing and future commands. It required consideration of design trade offs to ensure scalability. Currently, other developers can effortlessly add this feature to their own commands. At the same time, this feature scales by letting them build more complex suggestion behaviours if needed.

    • Credits
      The feature was inspired by IntelliJ’s Code Completion feature.

  • Minor enhancement
    Added a history feature that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using the Up/Down arrow keys.

  • Code contributed: Please view the code that I contributed at Reposense.

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

    • Documentation:

      • Regrouped commands in the User Guide based on what they do (i.e. Navigation, Person Management, Group Management and Advanced Features) (#166)

    • Testing:

      • Wrote test cases for all of my features throughout (#50, #71, #82, #150, #168, #180, #235, #239)

      • Added a sample data set consisting of 1000 people with varying completeness of data and 365 groups that is useful for stress testing (#145)

User Guide Contributions

Below are the sections that I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting our end-users of NUS students.

Suggestions Autocomplete

TimeBook comes with a helpful feature that provides suggested commands or relevant values so you can spend less time typing commands and more time on your group meetings.

When you type a command, TimeBook will show a dropdown with similarly matching commands. For example, you type in the command add. TimeBook will then suggest commands such as addevent, addgroup, addperson like so:

user guide example step1

If you meant to type the addevent command, you can immediately select it by pressing the Tab key. Otherwise, you can pick other options by using the Up or Down arrow keys and then hit the Tab key to confirm your selection. For now, try selecting the addtogroup command using the Down and Tab keys. TimeBook will complete the command like this:

user guide example step2

lightbulb You can type an abbreviated version of any command as long as the letters are in order! For example, instead of typing addtogroup, try atg.

Remember how TimeBook can also suggest relevant values? Let’s try that by specifying a person’s name using the n/ parameter like so:

user guide example step3

Again, TimeBook provides useful suggestions, in this case, the names of the people we’ve previously added. Now, try using the Tab key to immediately fill in "Bobby".

user guide example step4

Now, let’s complete the addtogroup command. Let’s add Bobby to the Friends group by typing g/ and using the suggestions to help us pick the Friends group.

user guide example step5


user guide example step6

Let’s say we change our mind and don’t want to add Bobby to the Friends group. No problem, just remove Bobby’s name and pick someone else using the familiar Up, Down and Tab keys. TimeBook is smart enough to only fill in the name parameter and won’t mess up the rest of your command.

user guide example step7


user guide example step8

Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the suggestions feature using just three simple keys, the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate between suggestions and the Tab key to select it.

How do I store my details and schedule?

When you first start using TimeBook, a default profile will be created for you! This default profile will have a default name: User
To personalize TimeBook and make it yours, rename User by entering the command edituser n/Your Name Here. If you’d like to fill in more details, you can do so using the edituser command.

Developer Guide Contributions

Below are the sections that I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Command Suggestions feature


The command suggestions mechanism is facilitated by SuggestionLogic. Through user-interface events provided by SuggestingCommandBox, it parses the command that was entered to provide context-sensitive suggestions.

It does this by identifying the commandWord (e.g. deleteperson, addperson, etc.) and arguments provided (e.g. n/Alice, g/CS2103T) and by using the caret position, provides command suggestions if the caret is located within the commandWord section or provides argument-specific suggestions by delegating to the Suggester registered for the specific commandWord.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the command suggestions mechanism behaves at each step. Ultimately, this is what the user will see:

developer guide caret within arguments
Figure 3. Example of the command suggestions mechanism

Step 1. The user types in the command deleteperson n/| and the SuggestingCommandBox UI class passes the command text (i.e. deleteperson n/) and the caret position index (i.e. 15) to SuggestionLogic.

The vertical line/pipe character (i.e. |) denotes the position of the caret and is not part of the entered command itself.
So for the above example, the command entered is deleteperson n/ with the caret at the end of the command.
Figure 4. The SuggestingCommandBox UI class passing UI data to the SuggestionLogic class to obtain suggestions.

Step 2. The SuggestionLogic asks the TimeBookParser to tokenize the command text into its two parts: the commandWord and the arguments. This is needed so the SuggestionLogic knows which Suggester to use later.

Figure 5. Tokenization of the command entered by the user

Step 3. The SuggestionLogic then checks where the caret is currently positioned, either within the commandWord or within the arguments section. In this case, the caret is placed after the n/ so it is within the arguments section. To read how the behaviour changes if the caret was placed within the commandWord section, click here.

Figure 6. The tokenized command and its caret indices

Step 4. The SuggestionLogic asks the static Suggester class which Prefixes are supported by the current commandWord (i.e. deleteperson) for tokenizing the arguments. This list of supported Prefixes, together with the command arguments, are passed to the static ArgumentTokenizer to parse it into an ArgumentList containing CommandArguments. Each CommandArgument contains the type of Prefix and the user-entered value.

Figure 7. Tokenizing the given arguments

Step 5. The SuggestionLogic then asks the static Suggester class to create the relevant Suggester object based on the commandWord. In this case, the static Suggester class returns a new DeletePersonCommandSuggester because the commandWord is deleteperson.

Figure 8. Creating the relevant Suggester

Step 6. The SuggestionLogic asks the ArgumentList object which CommandArgument is currently selected based on the user’s caret position. In this case, it is the CommandArgument with the Prefix of PERSON_NAME and value of an empty string because the caret is positioned within the n/ text and no value has been entered.

Figure 9. Calculating which CommandArgument is currently selected


Step 7. The SuggestionLogic asks for the suggestions from the DeletePersonCommandSuggester by providing three things to it. First, the current Model object, second the previously parsed ArgumentList object and finally, the CommandArgument to provide suggestions for. After obtaining the list of suggestions, the SuggestionLogic class returns it to the SuggestingCommandBox UI class for display.

Figure 10. Obtaining and displaying suggestions

The following sequence diagram condenses all the above diagrams into one, given the input deleteperson n/|:

Full sequence diagram for input deleteperson n/|


The SuggestionLogic behaves differently when the caret position is within the commandWord section. The sequence diagram below shows the behaviour for the case of find|person n/. To read how the behaviour changes if the caret was placed within the arguments section, click here.

Sequence diagram for when the caret position is within the commandWord section


The result is the following:

developer guide caret within commandWord
Figure 11. What users see when the caret is placed within the commandWord section

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user interacts with the command input box:

Figure 12. Activity diagram showing how Command Suggestions decides what to show

Design Considerations





How command suggestions gets its suggestions

1. Ask Suggesters for suggestions every time anything changes (Current choice)

1. Easy to implement.

1. May have performance issues in terms of CPU and memory usage as Suggesters are created and run every time the command changes or the caret is moved.

2. Cache suggestions based on entered command and caret position

1. Will use less CPU, may use less memory.

1. Difficult to properly account for all the conditions that should cause a cache invalidation/recalculation of suggestions.

Correctness of suggestions is preferred over additional CPU/memory usage as caching suggestions but improperly invalidating them can lead to user (and developer) confusion. In this design, Suggesters can still choose to implement their own cache if necessary.





Data structure to pass around the command arguments

1. Create an ArgumentList to store the ordered sequence of arguments. (Current choice)

1. Provides Suggesters with flexibility in providing suggestions since the relative ordering of arguments is preserved.

1. Increased complexity in extracting command arguments for simpler Suggesters.

2. Reuse ArgumentMultimap

1. We do not need to maintain a separate data structure due to reuse, and developers familiar with how ArgumentTokenizer.tokenize() works for writing a Command can transfer their knowledge when writing Suggesters for their own commands.

1. Suggesters are restricted in terms of the flexibility of their suggestions, as they lack info about the relative ordering of all the arguments.

The chosen design allows for more complex Suggester behaviour. For example, this design enables the suggestion of different values for each class/ argument based on the left-closest mod/ argument for the following command: addmod n/Alice mod/CS2103T class/ mod/CS2101 class/.